"The Circus (서커스) " Lim Yu / Bilderbuch Koreanisch

"The Circus (서커스) " Lim Yu / Bilderbuch Koreanisch

Kurator: mundo azul

This book is a fantasy picture book that shows that a toy vending machine can
actually be a very entertaining circus stage. But readers don't realize that until
they reach the end of the book. Readers who have read this book will be reminded
of the circus where cute bears and people perform, every time they see a vending
machine. Isn't this the fantasy that we discover in our lives?

Copyright: Hyang publishing

Titel "The Circus (서커스) " Lim Yu / Bilderbuch Koreanisch
Kurator mundo azul
Typ Bilderbuch Koreanisch
Online seit Apr 21, 2022

This book is a fantasy picture book that shows that a toy vending machine can
actually be a very entertaining circus stage. But readers don't realize that until
they reach the end of the book. Readers who have read this book will be reminded
of the circus where cute bears and people perform, every time they see a vending
machine. Isn't this the fantasy that we discover in our lives?

Copyright: Hyang publishing