¡Ay, barquito de papel! / Leporello Spanisch / María Emilia López / Laura Varsky

¡Ay, barquito de papel! / Leporello Spanisch / María Emilia López / Laura Varsky

Kurator: mundo azul

Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren

" 'Oh, little paper boat,

why are you crying again?

It can't be done,

I told you.

It is the wind

who decides.'

A book of poetry, in accordion format, that takes the shape of the wind and the waves of the water."


© Ojoreja. 

Titel ¡Ay, barquito de papel! / Leporello Spanisch / María Emilia López / Laura Varsky
Kurator mundo azul
Typ pop-up
Online seit Apr 24, 2024

Für Kinder ab 3 Jahren

" 'Oh, little paper boat,

why are you crying again?

It can't be done,

I told you.

It is the wind

who decides.'

A book of poetry, in accordion format, that takes the shape of the wind and the waves of the water."


© Ojoreja.