Frankfurter Buchmesse 2020 - Frankfurt Kids

In collaboration with Frankfurt Book Fair, Mundo Azul has organised an international networking programme for Frankfurt Kids. 
We are glad to present it to you. For further details:

Networking session 1: Oct 14th, 3-4pm CET (German time) 
Diversity as a trendmark: Children's books are not enough. What else do we need to do to promote true diversity?
A conversation with project managers that support diversity from alternative fields.

Networking session 2: Oct 14th, 4.30-5.30pm CET (German time)
Visual language: where are we heading to?
Graphic Novels, Wordless Books, Leporelli, Myriorama?...Illustrators? Graphic Designers? We share examples of innovative ways of visual storytelling.

Networking session 3: Oct 14th, 6-7pm CET (German time)
Match-making Independent Children's Bookstores around the world
What are the creative ideas that arose during this time? Is there any support for bookstores in your country? Share experiences, exchange ideas, make collaborations with other bookstores and publishers.

Networking session 4: Oct 15th, 3-4pm CET (German time)
Chinese perspectives in the children's content industry
Meet Chinese publishers and other people from the children's content industry.

Networking session 5: Oct 15th, 5-6pm CET (German time)
Children's book festivals as marketing partners. Festivals meet publishers.

How book festivals, publishers, influencers can support each other by working together by, for example, coordinating marketing plans, publisher sponsorships of festival panels, and festival book promotions.

Also: Get to know about the new International Forum for Children’s book Festivals.

Networking session 6: Oct 15th, 7-8pm CET (German time)
LGTBQ Children's books & content - which are the ones we really want to read and see?
A conversation/panel with authors and publishers
Networking session 7: Oct 16th, 1-2pm CET (German time)
Non-fiction books for children and YA: do they compete or supplement digital contents? What's their role today?
Examples of successful non-fiction books in different countries. Exchange of future relevant topics.







Frankfurter Buchmesse 2020 - Frankfurt Kids