"Antonia" Anke de Vries, Piet Grobler / Kinderbuch Englisch

"Antonia" Anke de Vries, Piet Grobler / Kinderbuch Englisch

Kurator: mundo azul

Ein buntes Bilderbuch auf Englisch, das erzählt, wie wichtig Leidenschaft in unser Leben ist. Antonia kann nicht gut singen, doch sie liebt es. Erst als sie weggeht merken die andere Tiere, wie viel sie sie vermissen. 

Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren. 


Antonia loves to sing – she is the Bianca Castafiore of the forest, who thinks of herself as a golden-voiced creature. When she starts to sing in the morning, all the animals groan – but it does rouse them from their slumbers. All the same, they would prefer to silence Antonia’s ‘divine’ voice. One day Antonia decides she’s had enough and leaves. Only then do the animals notice what they are missing. They don’t wake up in the morning and somehow they even start missing that out-of-tune warbling. Antonia returns in disguise and hears the animals praising her. So she decides to return to them for good. The next morning, her unique, inimitable voice wakes them all up again.

Copyright: Lemniscaat. 

Titel "Antonia" Anke de Vries, Piet Grobler / Kinderbuch Englisch
Kurator mundo azul
Typ Bilderbuch Englisch
Online seit Apr 07, 2018

Ein buntes Bilderbuch auf Englisch, das erzählt, wie wichtig Leidenschaft in unser Leben ist. Antonia kann nicht gut singen, doch sie liebt es. Erst als sie weggeht merken die andere Tiere, wie viel sie sie vermissen. 

Für Kinder ab 4 Jahren. 


Antonia loves to sing – she is the Bianca Castafiore of the forest, who thinks of herself as a golden-voiced creature. When she starts to sing in the morning, all the animals groan – but it does rouse them from their slumbers. All the same, they would prefer to silence Antonia’s ‘divine’ voice. One day Antonia decides she’s had enough and leaves. Only then do the animals notice what they are missing. They don’t wake up in the morning and somehow they even start missing that out-of-tune warbling. Antonia returns in disguise and hears the animals praising her. So she decides to return to them for good. The next morning, her unique, inimitable voice wakes them all up again.

Copyright: Lemniscaat.