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"TREE, DANCING (나무, 춤춘다)" Bae, Yu jung / Kinderbuch Koreanisch
Das Bilderbuch aus Korea, welches auf der Buchmesse in Bologna die Jury bezauberte. Ein Leporello, das auf den ersten Blick wie eine wilde Mischung aus Farben aussieht. Je näher man kommt, desto mehr entdeckt man... Fische, Insekten, Blumen, ...
What the Jury in Bologna said:
Everything about this wide-page, leporello picturebook is unusual. The apparently abstract painted shapes seem to spill over from one page to the next. What at first glance look like random spontaneous colours, on closer inspection take on different forms of life: animals, flowers, insects, fishes, liquid and organic forms, all part of the constant transformation that is life. Metaphysical yet realistic, natural yet symbolic, the book explores new horizons for picturebook art.
Titel | "TREE, DANCING (나무, 춤춘다)" Bae, Yu jung / Kinderbuch Koreanisch |
Kurator | mundo azul |
Typ | Bilderbuch Koreanisch |
ISBN | |
Online seit | May 03, 2018 |
Das Bilderbuch aus Korea, welches auf der Buchmesse in Bologna die Jury bezauberte. Ein Leporello, das auf den ersten Blick wie eine wilde Mischung aus Farben aussieht. Je näher man kommt, desto mehr entdeckt man... Fische, Insekten, Blumen, ...
What the Jury in Bologna said:
Everything about this wide-page, leporello picturebook is unusual. The apparently abstract painted shapes seem to spill over from one page to the next. What at first glance look like random spontaneous colours, on closer inspection take on different forms of life: animals, flowers, insects, fishes, liquid and organic forms, all part of the constant transformation that is life. Metaphysical yet realistic, natural yet symbolic, the book explores new horizons for picturebook art.